Ordering of goods

Choose the desired bouquet, flower or composition, choose the quantity, size if it is indicated and add it to the shopping cart.

If you wish, you can order a greeting card or card for the bouquet (free card), and you can also choose dainty or other gifts in the gift section.

After selecting all the desired products, select the shopping cart and click “PAYMENT”

If you are a registered user, log in by entering your login details.

If you are an unregistered user, you can create an account by selecting the icon in the right corner of the page.

If you wish to make a purchase without registration, fill in the required information to complete the purchase.

Provide all the information you know about the recipient – name, address, phone number, door code, and more. The more information you provide, the smoother your order will be.

You can pay for your purchases through Pay Pal or Paysera systems (online banking or credit cards).

Our courier will deliver the ordered goods at the time and address you specify.


Delivery of goods

We will deliver the goods to your specified address in the whole Klaipėda region. Delivery cost 6EUR, calculated at final payment.

We will inform you about the delivery by e-mail or SMS.

Delivery Time: I-VII 08:00am – 08:30pm.

Other delivery times are also available by prior arrangement by phone or e-mail.

We also ship same day orders if they arrive before 4pm.

We can’t always guarantee the exact delivery time – on February 14th, March 8th, and Mother’s Day (the first Sunday in May), the exact delivery time isn’t guaranteed.

We cannot always guarantee the identical composition of the bouquet – it may differ from the one shown in the picture. When changing certain flowers, we always keep the bouquet of colors and the value of the flower.

If we do not find the recipient at the time and address specified, we will contact the recipient to discuss another re-delivery time that is convenient for them. At the recipient’s request, we leave the flowers to a third party (neighbor, coworker, or similar) specified by the recipient.

If the recipient refuses to accept flowers, the customer is not refunded.

Each order is individual and the goods are non-refundable.